Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I seem to be watching a lot of films at the moment with numbers in the title.

51 is a low budget SF movie.
What happens when the military gives into pressure and allows reporters to visit the mysterios and highly secretive Area 51. The military has a plan - they are only going to show the reporters what it wants them to see - keeping the secrets safe.
Because there are secrets in Area 51: several long term alien 'guests', and some of them are not nice. Oh there is one nice alien J-Rod.
Because this is a low budget movie there are only two reporters and their aides.
As they are being shown around Patient Zero, a shape shifting alein escapes. As with all these things there is no real security beyond a guard and a computer screen - never any security cameras. So Patient Zero works his way through some guards and frees some of the other aliens.
The answer to the question what happens when you let the reporters in is: the shit hits the fan.
The reporters are trapped with a few soldiers. It quickly becomes a low budget stalk and slash - except you rarely get to see the aliens (it is a low budget after all).
There are a few killings both soldiers and aliens.
The self-destruct is set and the only one who can save them is J-Rod.
Of course in trying to do this he discovers that the humans are not his pals after all.
The chief of the base (Bruce Boxleitner) says he is sorry and J-Rod accepts his apology and together with the members of the press they work out a plan to spill all the secrets of Area 51.
When all the bad aliens have been defeated and the dust settled they go make a surprise appearence on TV,

As with all these very low budget movies there is an interesting idea at the heart of it, it is just that the money isn't there to realise the project fully.
So you have actors who are just going through the motions with a lacklustre script, so so direction and less that special SFX.
A special mention goes to Rachel Miner just because I quite liked her. I doubt if I will remember her if I see her again, though that is the nature of the low budget actor.

The film was directed by Jason Connery. I wasn't aware that he directed movies so I have no idea if this is an improvement on his work in the past. I am never really sure how much the director really does - after all if the story and script stink to high heaven there is little a director can do with it.

Anyway this is a movie to watch only if you have nothing else to watch and that includes paint drying.

IMDB gives this a 3.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes has no score for it but 82% of people who know about it want to see it (the fools).
(Confusingly Rotten Tomatoes credits Oren Peli as being the director of this movie - Peli is better known as the director of 'Paranormal Activity' and was involved with 'Insidious'. IMDB has Peli in post-production with a movie called 'Area 51' which is about a group of reporters going to a place that houses extra-terrestials. Now where have we heard that before? Ooooops. Still it can't be worse than '51').

Jason Connery
Kenny Yakkel
Length: 90 Minutes
Released: February 2011
After Dark Films


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