Sunday, January 01, 2012

Introduction to what is going on here.

This is a new venture for me. Essentially I am planning on creating a list of all the cultural things I do this year.
From the movies I watch.
The music I listen to.
The books I read.
The galleries and art I will view.
Sometimes it will just be a listing of whatever it is.
Other times it will be a review of whatever it is.
The goal is to do something every day - even if all that entails is listening to a cd.
Where I can I will do a review.
Why am I doing this? Several reasons: it will force me to actually enjoy some of the books, music and movies I surround myself with. It will encourage me to go to the cinema, galleries and live events more often than I have been doing in the last couple of years. When it comes to writing about such things I am pretty poor in my attempts to convey such things - so this will, I hope, improve with me doing more reviews. Lastly it will serve as a record of what I have been upto - which I am sure will be of interest to no one other than me.
As 2012 starts I am in the process of reading Stephen King's "11.22.63", I have only just started it. To be honest it wasn't a book I wanted to read, but a friend gave it to me as a Christmas present. As with all King books - he is incredibly easy to read and he just drags you into the story. I am fully expecting to be disappointed by the ending, though i have learnt with King it isn't about the destination it is the journey that really counts.
I am also reading Faye Kellerman's 'Blindman's Bluff' - this is part of her Peter Decker & Rina Lazarus series, which is just a modern spin on the old tv series 'McMillan and Wife'. I have read one of these before, 'Hangman'. Wasn't overly impressed. Why am I reading this one then? They came as part of a cheap deal.
The other book i am reading is 'Chavs The Demonising of the Working Class' by Owen Jones. So far it has been interesting, but as with all these academic books I buy because I am interested I have not really concentrated on it. Maybe now I have to write about it I will.
Currently I am listening to The Osmonds 'The Plan' album - which isn't quite what I was expecting. It is good and I will now have to investigate more of their back catalogue.
The first film of 2012 was 'Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocols'. More on that later.
Welcome to my cultural year, feel free to come along with or even better go your own way and we can share the views.


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